Clubs & Associations

Admissions Open 2024-25 Only to Class V and VII
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May 2024

Sports Club

Including the idea of ‘A Sound Mind in Sound Body,’ our school emphasizes building physical strength, fitness and endurance through regular physical training with the guidance of qualified instructors and coaches. Intra-mural and Inter-school sporting events, along with recreational sports are held each academic year to lead a balanced and healthy life. We aim at promoting excellence in sporting events, as well as cultivating qualities of good sportsmanship such as teamwork, mutual respect and the capability to encounter both win and loss with grace.

Social Science Club

Including the idea of ‘A Sound Mind in Sound Body,’ our school emphasizes building physical strength, fitness and endurance through regular physical training with the guidance of qualified instructors and coaches. Intra-mural and Inter-school sporting events, along with recreational sports are held each academic year to lead a balanced and healthy life. We aim at promoting excellence in sporting events, as well as cultivating qualities of good sportsmanship such as teamwork, mutual respect and the capability to encounter both win and loss with grace.

Science Club

‘The curiosity of man unveils mysteries of nature’. The coordination between the classrooms and the science club helps the students to complete the curriculum subtly. Experimental talents can improve one’s sense of practicability and develop a zealous enthusiasm in the strike for the cause of scientific enterprise.

Nature Club

Identifying nature and being eco-friendly are the two inevitable values of education. It is a voluntary club comprising students and teachers which ensures the participation of students in learning about and working towards the conservation and sustainability of our nature.

The main aim of the club is to create awareness of the importance of respecting and appreciating our mother nature through the domains of leadership and influence, and critical and inventive thinking. The club members are given ample training to become young leaders who create awareness about the environment-related issues in our area.

Maths Club

Mathematics is considered the ‘Queen of Science and the King of Arts’. The Math club functions as an entertaining activity for primary classes, basically to eradicate their phobia of the subject in their formative years. It helps middle school children to enjoy, appreciate and acquire basic knowledge of the subject by organising group activities, puzzles, quiz competitions, so on. To impart enrichment and elegance of the subject, it provides a platform for secondary and senior secondary students.

Literary Club

The literary club is under the guidance of the Language departments. This club takes on the relentless task to improve the language of children through writing, speaking, reading, quiz competitions, essay competitions, and handwriting training and competition. The program of literary club organizes a series of reading and writing workshops for students. It helps them to improve their extraordinary strengths as learners, thinkers and leaders. The workshops which are organised will provide the tools for successful reading and writing, speaking and listening. Literary Club raises the potential for increased academic performance for every participant.